Snakes species

Snakes are a real threat to people living in China and below are some of the common snakes found here.

King cobra

(Ophiophagus hannah)

King Cobra


  • Large powerfully built snake.
  • Up to 5.5m in length and 9 kg in weight. 
  • Varies but mainly olive-green or black coloured with pale yellow cross bands along the body. 
  • Underbelly may be pale yellow or cream. 
  • Head of full-grown snake can be massive and bulky. 
  • King Cobra has proteroglyph dentition — two short, fixed fangs in the front of the jaw channeling venom into the prey. 
  • Male is much larger than the female. 
  • Hatchlings are 45–50 cm long and banded in black and white.

Life Cycle

  • The mating season is January. 
  • Female lays up to 50 eggs and coils atop them for 60–80 days incubation period. 
  • Averagely can live up to 20 years.


  • Generally its diet is composed of other snakes but may also feed on other small animals such as lizards, birds, and rodents. 
  • Is shy and avoid humans whenever possible, but are fiercely aggressive when cornered. 
  • A diurnal species. 
  • Capable of flattening its upper body by spreading its ribs and forming the distinctive 'hood' about its neck. 
  • Its venom is primarily neurotoxic which attacks the victim's central nervous system and immediately causes from severe pain, blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness, paralysis to death.