Common spider species

Most spiders prefer living outdoors, but all too often, you may run across a few spiders that have found their way indoors in search of food and shelter. Learn more about the life cycles and habits of these 8-legged creepy crawlers that are commonly found in China.

Harvestman spider

(Phalangium opilio)


  • Adult – 1/8"– 3/8" body. The upper body surface has light grey/brown pattern, the lower surface is typically cream.


  • The females lay eggs in moist soil.
  • Only one batch of eggs is laid each year.


  • They climb tree trunks or look for food on the ground.
  • They feed on many soft bodied arthropods, including aphids, caterpillars, beetle larvae and small slugs.


(Aphonopelma spp.)


  • Adult body length excluding legs is 1–5" long. Most tarantulas have black or brown hairy bodies and legs but some species exhibit striking colours.


  • Mating season is in autumn. Incubation of the young takes 6-9 weeks, with each female producing 500-1000 eggs into a silken cocoon. The young leave their burrow after 2-3 weeks.
  • Life span 25-40 years.


  • Tarantulas prefer to live in dry, well-drained soil where they dig a burrow which is lined with silk webbing.

Wolf spider

(Trochosa ruricola)


  • Adult female: 5/16"; male: 1/4". They are generally brown to grey in colour.


  • Wolf spider mothers carry their egg sacs around with them attached to spinnerets under the abdomen.
  • When the young spiderlings hatch, they climb onto their mother's back where they live for the first few weeks of life.


  • They hunt at night but spend the day hidden amongst moss and decaying matter. 
  • They live in a shallow burrow, with an open and unadorned entrance.

Yellow sac spider

(Cheiracanthium spp.)


  • Pale in colour, abdomen can be yellow or beige with a faint dark stripe running lengthwise.
  • 1/4 to 3/8 inches long
  • 4 pairs of legs, the 1st pair longer than the 4th.
  • Eight similarly-sized dark eyes arranged in two horizontal rows.


  • A female produces around 5 egg sacs each with 30 to 48 eggs. The female may produce several egg masses during her lifetime.
  • Approximately 30 percent of adult males get eaten by females after mating.


  • Feeding — usually small insects.
  • Location — they build a silken tube or sac (instead of a web) in a protected area which is used as their daytime retreat.
  • Visibility — they emerge at night to look for food. They drop to the floor to seek cover when disturbed.

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